Mr Taylor Would like to thank everyone who has purchased a painting from him. The thought that people are enjoying his work in the very own homes makes him very happy and he hopes that you feel as happy viewing them.
Many thanks also to everyone who has contacted him with positive feedback also, your kind words help and encourage him to further his work every day.
"Thank you so very much for the two paintings: Abstract MM1 and the Large Mixed Media Abstract. We are extremely happy with them. My husband says he feels happy every time he looks at the Large Mixed Media Abstract and I myself love my Abstract MM1 which makes me feel happy and calm every time I look at it. For me in the Abstract MM1, I see a person emerging as stones/jewels from the painting and waving to me. It's a happy picture. My children all see different things... a lion, bird, fish, mountain cliff. In the Large Mixed Media Abstract, my husband sees the side of a mountain and light coming over it. My children see a butterfly on it. I guess that's the beauty of Abstract painting, it can be anything you want it to be and everyone sees something different. The two paintings have definitely been a great talking point in my family. I want to thank you very much Ralph for all your help and for being such a nice and kind person. I feel I have found a true friend in you and I look forward to buying more paintings from you in the future. Again thank you very much and I am so pleased to have found you. You are extremely talented and deserve an award for all your great work. I would highly recommend you to everyone. I've only got two words to say about you Ralph Taylor --- SUPERB ARTIST ! :)
Natasha ConstantinouNatasha is a graphic artist her website can be seen at, and
"I had been looking for a piece of original art for quite a while and had viewed countless galleries. Ralph's 'music movement and life' seemed to jump out at me the only problem being he had sold it to someone else. Not to be put off I contacted Ralph to see if he had anything in a similar vein and ended up commissioning a piece (nicknamed walkabout), a new experience for me. We all love this piece and Ralph was a delight to work with (actually he did all the work) Ralph your work has proven popular with friends and family alike. Many Thanks"
"The piece Music, Movement and Life now "dances" in my home, eliciting a different response from me with each glance in it's direction. The colours are intense and vibrant and for me personally, reflect the artist, Ralph Taylor. Thanks Ralph, this work feels like a personal gift to me."
Karrie Prescott
"Your use of vibrant energy and beautiful colours is fantastic. Your work is very individual and recognisable in a brilliant way."
Thomas Irwin
"Thank You Ralph, For the beautiful and unique painting."
Lesley Cairns
"Mr. Taylor's work is not only beautiful and inspiring, he truly show his depth of creativity and passion with his work! I look forward to seeing much more from him."
E. Kudlacz
"Mr Taylor's work is beautiful. I have bought two of his paintings and I love them and they hang where I can look at them everyday. I watch for his new paintings everyday!!"
Dena Reed
"Just checked out your paintings. They are getting better and better. Love the abstract ones, the movement, illusion, warmth and feeling is exceptional. Who would have thought that I would know someone who was so talented. Keep it up and who knows one day people will be clambering to have one of your painting on their wall."
Shona Ritson
Ralph Taylor - Autodidact Contemporary and Traditional Artist. Ralph creates beautiful Abstract Expressionist work that is currently exhibited with Contemporary Arts Dunfermline (((CAD))) Ralphs vividly coloured abstract paintings are bold and audacious (adventurous) but others are very calm and aesthetic . Look more closely and some of these pieces have mystical qualities, combining organic shapes with geometric circles and other forms, in striking colours and earth tones. They are carefully structured and painstakingly painted, sometimes employing many layers and a variety of mixed media.
lain Allison Contemporary Art Dunfermline.
"Ralph is an incredibly talented artist bringing so much pleasure to so many people, I would have no hesitation in recommending him".
Julie Boyle
Because you imbue your paintings with a little bit of Ralph so this TLC shines through and resonates with people. "the law of attraction."
Phil Gordo

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